Emergency nanny costs
Nannies are paid at an hourly rate that depends on location
All nannies booked through Emergency Childcare will be payrolled by the nanny agency they work for. This means you don't have to worry about sorting out their tax and NI.
Last minute nanny costs in your area
As a rule of thumb prices are set at £20 per hour (ex. VAT) across the UK - remember this includes the nanny agency taking care of their tax and NI.
To check the exact charges for your area please choose Nanny in the Search at the top of the page, and enter your postcode.
How you pay and other charges
Payrolled by Nanny Agency: Your full booking amount is charged to your credit card once your booking is complete and the hours confirmed by the agency. This includes our booking fee.
Wondering what you can expect from an emergency nanny? How to payroll your nanny? Or...? Visit our FAQs for all you need to know about membership, bookings and your service. Frequently Asked Questions